Industry Blog

VR Livestreams Are Saving Lives During COVID-19 in China

VR Livestreams are saving lives in China during COVID-19. Sound crazy? Watch the video.

When we think about what digital media is – and what it can do, we typically think of one thing: Entertainment. In reality – digital media is a tool for good. It is a powerful medium that doctors are using in hospitals to save lives in China during COVID-19.

What makes this medium powerful is the ability to see the patient in many dimensions and to speak to them in real time. It has practical applications that make it uniquely positioned to provide better care to patients during quarantine scenarios.

Beyond our helping us heal with physical health – video and VR is bringing us together and protecting our mental health. Many of us are Face-timing for virtual happy hours or living room DJ sessions with Facebook live-streaming with friends just to stay in touch with relatives; Zooming to church or class – or as my parents are, taking all the virtual tours they can of the museums they missed out on when they had to cancel their vacation plans to stay home.

Digital media is also how we tell stories to each other now – which are just as important as other essential elements of a healthy society. My co-founder Hugh created a video to tell the story of how he was separated from his parents after the virus hit China. I am empathetic to his story as we are all separated from our parents right now by this virus, and am grateful for him sharing this with us – hoping we are all reunited soon, across cities, states, and in some cases, other countries.

At a time when racism has become rampant associated with the corona virus – I encourage you to think about how this medium of digital media can do the opposite – heal us – and bring us together.

Think more carefully about the role that digital media has in our physical and mental health and to take it more seriously. Consider that good that it’s doing us – and consider that it may even be an important part of virtual treatment and virtual visitation for your loved ones.

Mike Tringe
Mike Tringe
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