Industry Blog

AI Innovation and Media

AI technology innovation with media continues to push the boundaries of what we do or not find valuable to watch in a video. Can robots tell us a story? Make us laugh or cry? Or teach us something? Perhaps not by themselves – but AI can certainly help assist with the production and consumption of media in ways that are very valuable to help us learn.

1. AI has gotten better at auto-generating realistic readable scripts with content scraped from the internet. This can then be fed into avatars to speak naturally to us. Want to know more? Check out Synthesia.

Is it readable? Yes. Useful? Yes. It’s kind of like wiki-pedia written by a bot. I’ll read it – BUT will I believe it? Will I share it? Will I want to know more? Imagine the scripts are uploaded into an avatar generating software to create robot reporters who read it for us. We’re willing to tolerate the train times and airport announcements by robots – but will we rely upon robots for our information?

2. AI can also watch videos – tell us about them – and help us discover the videos we want to watch based on our search. This is important because the history of discoverability has been buried in tags. Now imagine you had multiple parameters to search and gather data on everything from image to sound to dialogue. Want to know more? Check out Vyrill.

This deep search capability is valuable to us because we are swimming in oceans of user generated content. So it will become increasingly important for us to put machines to work doing the things they should be doing. That is to say – things that we don’t want to or can’t do – and that’s sift through oceans of content.

3. AI can chat dynamically with us. Just imagine interacting dynamically with media in ways that you never thought possible. Once the text chats become “smarter” about helping serve us up information that we want to know – we can have interactive conversations and discussions to help teach us everything from science to math to soft skills at the office. Imagine playful learning experiences with virtual teachers, and take a look at Mursion to see the future of learning.

A measured approach to understanding AI technology adoption is a good thing – but don’t let that stop you from imagining a future where AI technology helps better shape our experiences with media. Soon – we’ll be wondering how we ever lived without it.

Mike Tringe
Mike Tringe
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