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Welcome New Students Sizzle Reel

Get your students excited about the journey they're about to embark on with a sizzle reel designed to showcase your school's culture, values, and energy. Our certified team of CreatorUp editors go above and beyond to assemble your existing material into an exciting and inspiring sizzle reel that introduces students to their new learning environment.

Approximate delivery timeline: Four weeks of pre-production (if needed), four weeks of post-production

Pricing is per minute of finished content, with a minimum order of three minutes of content.

Length of raw material: Up to 40 minutes

The Basic package includes:

  • No fancy business. A basic-level editor has the ability to splice your footage so your final sizzle video flows naturally and stands out from the rest. If a quick cut is your top priority, this is the package for you!
  • Certified Editor
    • Simple cuts
    • Stock music
    • Simple transitions
    • Simple graphics (including lower third name labels)
    • One round of notes

Pricing is per minute of finished content, with a minimum order of three minutes of content.

Length of raw material: Up to 40 minutes

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